From the Studio — Guerilla Marketing

Some Small Biz Picks for Grey Saturday

Yes I know many of you have a retail hangover from yesterday, but I'd like to put a small biz bug in your ear at this time of year.

One of the most practically radical 'protests' one can make these days is simply buying local goods from local vendors. I realize Cheap is King these days, but you'd be surprised how much extra value you can get from getting your gifts from people who've made or chosen their own inventory...

Business Cards the Hard Way

Awhile back I went to this 'networking' event, but realized I was cardless. So I grabbed some sandpaper and wrote my info on the back with a Sharpieâ„¢. It looked ultra-ghetto, but people actually liked it and asked for more!?

So I decided to revive that project in a more refined way, but keep the handmade craftspect of it intact.

Here's the process...

Design and Print...

Glue and Stick...